Discover the magic of Prague with comfortable accommodation and a guided city tour.
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How to get here
You’ll find the hotel in the heart of the capital. The hotel is a few short steps away from the I. P. Pavlova tram stop and the I.P. Pavlova metro line C station. Just 10-minute’s walk and you’ll find yourself in front of the National Museum, the dominant landmark on Václavské náměstí (Wenceslas Square). From there it’s another short walk to Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square) and the historical Orloj astronomical clock, Tyn Church and other world-famous monuments. Prague in the palm of your hand.
Arriving by public transport
The closest tram stop is I. P. Pavlova. The metro line C stop has the same name and both are less than 5-minute’s walk from the hotel. The Náměstí Míru stop on metro line A is just under 10 minutes from the hotel. The fastest way to get to the hotel from the airport is to take the 119 bus and then transfer to metro line A at the Nádraží Veleslavín stop.
Arriving by car from Brno
Continue straight ahead when you arrive in Prague on the E50 (E55, E56, D1) motorway. Continue along “5. května” and “Legerova”. Turn right at I. P. Pavlova and then right again at the second street.
Arriving by car from Berlin
Continue along the D8 motorway when you arrive in Prague (there is a Tesco hypermarket on the left). The street names will change: “V Holešovičkách”, “Most Barikádníků”, “Argentinská”, and “Za Viaduktem” in the direction of Brno, and then turn right onto Hlávkův most bridge. Continue straight ahead on “Wilsonova” for approximately 2.5 km to I.P. Pavlova náměstí and then turn left and then right at the third street onto Tylovo náměstí.
After arriving in Prague, take “Plzeňská” at the 85th km (the large blue building of the Motol hospital will be on your right). Then turn right at the first main traffic-light intersection onto “Patočkova” and then along “Milady Horákové” for approximately 10 kilometres. You’ll pass the sports arena with Letná park on the right and the take the right at the traffic-light intersection towards Letenský tunnel. Turn left after exiting the tunnel and then take the first right onto Štefánikův most bridge. Continue straight ahead on “Wilsonova” for approximately 2.5 km to I.P. Pavlova náměstí and then turn left and then right at the third street onto Tylovo náměstí.